Cowboys and Tomatoes

By Bennett Owen
Credit: accessatlanta
It’s sitting on a 75% favorable rating on Rotten Tomatoes…no word yet on box office numbers but we can be reasonably sure Cowboys and Aliens is a smash! A sampling of reviews –
…”When the wonderfully grumpy, still Indy-fit Harrison Ford socks Daniel Craig on the jaw and Craig hits back even harder, it feels like a baton is being passed.”
Washington Post
“It’s just big silly fun, the kind you’re supposed to have at a summer movie with a ridiculous title.”
Detroit News
"Cowboys & Aliens has less to do with aliens and more to do with the relationships among the earthlings – cowboys, Indians, criminals, prostitutes, saloonkeepers, orphans and a mysterious, beautiful woman who come together to fight a common, extraterrestrial enemy.”
San Diego Union
Credit Socialitelife
“Aliens abduct astonished townspeople in the Old West! A mysterious amnesiac gunslinger rides to the rescue! Extraterrestrials get lassoed and blown to bits in cool-looking ways! What’s not to like?”
New York Post
“With this performance and his recurring role as James Bond, Craig may be the baddest man on the planet. To paraphrase a popular joke, ‘Daniel Craig is so bad that Chuck Norris has his poster on his wall.’”
Nolan’s Pop Culture Review
“The Searchers meets Independence Day. Great fun.”
Chicago Sun-Times
“It’s like a double feature but with all the boring bits taken out and all the fight scenes spliced together.”
Newark Star-Ledger
“The actors seem truly invested in trying to convey what characters in a Western would do if confronted by aliens. That they succeed in taking the viewers on that journey with them is the precise extent to which Cowboys & Aliens becomes something special.
MSN Movies
Hey. Nobody has even mentioned Olivia Wilde’s half-naked campfire scene. That must mean the rest of the movie is simply all kinds of awesome. Let us know what YOU thought!
Credit: Socialitelife
Reader Comments (1)
As a fun summer movie it worked for me. The Star Power alone was great. It was a little too predictable. The emotional intensity was uneven. Even though I like Daniel Craig, I felt that Harrison Ford stole the show. Glad I saw it, loved the "idea," but probably won't buy. It did not make my treadmill list. Enjoyed the followup and hype as much as the movie!