Cowboys and Aliens – From Start to Finish

By Bennett Owen
OK, humor me. Just one more post after this and then it’s off to C&A Rehab.
Cowboys and Aliens is a project that exists on the broad shoulders of its title alone. From its conception as a comic book, graphic novel and now summer blockbuster, it’s the title that’s lured investors, writers and A-List Hollywood talent.
Credit: seanpaune
Gone With the Wind may be the best-selling movie of all time but the name is not an instant grabber. Think of the titles that will plant butts in movie seats on opening night no matter how good or bad the subject matter is:
- Strangers on a Train
- Snakes on a Plane
- A Fistful of Dollars
- A Streetcar Named Desire
And now, please add Cowboys and Aliens to the list. Here’s co-screenwriter and producer Roberto Orci admitting as much to SuperHeroHype:
SHH: What was it about the comic or the premise that got you interested in developing it?
Orci: Honestly, it was the title. We saw it on a list of development projects and we thought, "Why isn't that awesome title being actively turned into a movie?" Then we looked at the comic, and it was exactly what we hoped it would be…
Credit: Comic Book Resources
C&A started as a comic adventure, created by Comic Book King Scott Mitchell Rosenberg, based on a game he played as a kid.
But even as a comic, developers saw its future up on the silver screen. C&A is an alternate history concept. A "what if" story that turns warring Cowboys and Indians into grudging allies as they are confronted by an alien force.
Credit: scificool
Rosenberg’s Platinum Studios released the "Cowboys & Aliens" graphic novel in 2006 and it quickly rose to number one.
Insiders say the final movie script has little in common with the comic other than the premise. But the screenwriting team has a magnificent combined body of work behind it, so that bodes well for the finished product.
Credit: Tradereadingorder
John Nolte at Big Hollywood is just as excited to see the movie as I am. Here’s his take:
For the first time in a long time, I’m drawn to see something in the theatre and will try to catch a matinee tomorrow. I like Daniel Craig, love director Jon Favreau, the title is awesome, the trailer even better, Westerns rule, and maybe — just maybe — after 15 disastrous years that culminated in the dreadfully embarrassing Indiana Jones IV, Harrison Ford will go back to being Harrison Ford again.
And finally, here’s yet another phenomenal Ford interview at Screen Rant:
And now if you’ll excuse me, it’s my turn to man the sleeping bag in front of the Multiplex.
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