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Entries in Ralph Lauren (2)


Head Concho – What a Waist!

By Bennett Owen


Archaeologists say the original inhabitants of the desert southwest started using turquoise for jewelry as early as 200 BC. But it wasn’t until around the 1850s that their descendents, the Hopi, Pueblo and Navajo tribes, began using silver. In doing so, they took on Spanish influences and that’s why many designs feature Christian and even Moorish symbolism.


Credit: Weblo

To get the silver, they’d trade with Mexican merchants. And as Concho jewelry gained status, ranchers would bring silverware or candelabras to be melted down and turned into exquisite jewelry, for the Indians of the southwest proved to be extraordinary craftsmen.


The Navaho especially had a penchant for personal adornment and in their quest for raw material the artisans would even melt down US coins which at the time yielded the best silver for smithing….(kind of makes you wonder what kind of sludge they’d come up with if they tried it these days!)

A Navajo woman and her daughter, wearing a First Phase concho belt, taken in New Mexico in 1900 by William C. Orchard. Credit: indiansummervintage

Credit: Navajo-arts

Initially used as decoration for bridles, saddles and the like, Concho jewelry seeped into fashion and soon it seemed some of the greatest entertainers of the 20th century just couldn’t get through the day without a good, stiff belt:

Julie Christie and Warren Beatty. Credit:

Johnny Cash. Credit:

Jim Morrison. Credit: feelnumb

Ralph Lauren. Credit:

Our friends at Waddel Trading Company carry some of the finest native American jewelry you will find.  After all, it’s not just the joy it brings you today but it remains distinctive and timeless.


Shop ‘Til You’re Saddle Sore – Five Favorite Online Western Shops

By Bennett Owen

In 2001, I defiantly predicted that Online shopping would go nowhere because people need the tactile senses…touching fabric, trying things on.  10 years later, shopping for me has been reduced pretty much to a couch and a credit card. But thankfully more imaginative minds prevailed because the following sites are a pleasure to browse through…come to think of it, that’s what browsers are for.

#5 Junkyard Gypsies


One girl’s junk is another girl’s gemstone…Two Texas sisters and their mom turned their backs on the big city to cruise the countryside in search of yard sale treasures…in the meantime they’ve outfitted Miranda Lambert’s tour bus and will launch a design show on HGTV next year.  The website is truly a quirky adventure, a reflection of the women who followed their bliss. Be careful though because the longer you spend there, the more you’ll be convinced that…indeed, anything IS possible.

#4 Cowgirl on Coffee

Credit: CowgirlonCoffee

‘Are you gonna cowgirl up or just lie there bleedin?’  There’s definitely some attitude at work at ConC, a caffeine buzz that’s borderline dangerous, two young women with a penchant for firearms, fast horses and a special blend of coffee.  Their barista business has parlayed into all kinds of spinoff paraphernalia and a wholesale business too.   ‘Buckin’ good coffee,’ is what they promise.  After a trip to their dormant myspace page, I’d wager these gals speak from experience.

#3 The Cabin

Credit: Whisperingpinescatalog

‘A cabin is a state of mind’.   That’s so right

The proprietor describes her site as ‘a way to recreate the wonderful feeling you get as you open the door to the cabin each spring.’   This Online store features all things for beautiful country living. Dreamers welcome.

#2 Hamley & Co. Cowboy Outfitters

Credit: Hamleyco

‘Quality craftsmanship and a commitment to working cowboys and buckaroos since 1883.’  Hamley is a western legend worthy of its own post, for it gave us the granddaddy of all rodeos, the Pendleton Roundup.  The Online store has an amazing variety of goods and the least expensive item I found was a bottle of Hamley Cowboy Steak Rub at just $2.95. You can carry off a handmade Hamley saddle for just under $5,000. And if you venture into the art gallery, be sure you’re packin’ platinum.

#1 The Double RL & Co -

He may not know it but Ralph Lauren is an honorary member of the My-West family for the following eloquent quote:  “I’m not a cowboy and don’t pretend to be one, but I love the West.” That sums up the spirit of this blog perfectly.  The RRL Online shop takes western chic to a whole new level. But the western spirit is also there and that’s what counts for me.  
