Pony Tales

by Bennett Owen
My-West is still in its infancy and already we're generating controversy. Since I wrote at length (the emotional scars obviously haven't yet healed - click here for the sordid details) about Nicky, the antisocial Shetland Pony we had as kids, relatives and readers have been writing, calling, tweeting, texting and facebook posting that they had no problems with their ponies and sending pictures to prove it. Add to our humiliation and the growing list by emailing me at info@my-west.com, or by uploading them to the My-West Photography Challenge Pool on Flickr.
Credit: My-West.com (c)
Credit: My-West.com (c)
Credit: My-West.com (c)
Credit: My-West.com (c)
Credit: My-West.com (c)
Credit: My-West.com (c)
Credit: My-West.com (c)
Credit: Library of Congress
Credit: Library of Congress
Credit: My-West.com (c)
Here's the link to the Seinfeld episode about ponies.