Painting of the Day, January 15, 2012

By Donna Poulton
“My watercolor process involves painting hundreds of abstract shapes, all with hard edges, within a representational framework. I paint layer over layer, floating pure color into clear washes, letting the colors blend visually on the paper. I then outline, with India ink, every shape I've just painted. This unifies the painting, makes it clean, and creates the effect of looking upon the scene in high-definition, as if you could see everything perfectly.” — Jonathan Frank
Frank’s painting titled From the Beginning is in the newly released book, Art Journey America Landscapes: 89 Painters
Jonathan Frank, From the Beginning, Watercolor, 21-1/2 x 25-1/2 in. Credit: Courtesy of Jonathan Frank
Jonathan Frank, Soaring, watercolor, 21-1/2 x 14-1/2 in. Credit: Courtesy of Jonathan Fran