Painting of the Day, January 13, 2012

By Donna L. Poulton
“There is no way to know if something you have done will outlast you. Time tends to sort out which pieces were really important and which ones were the thrill of the moment.” - P.A. Nisbet
In a 1994 interview with Jessie Benton Evans, Peter A. Nisbet said, “I paint landscapes and skyscapes, 'atmospherics,' almost vapor paintings, which express my personal mythology that nature is mysterious and miraculous. A fellow artist and I have chased storms all over the Southwest and Mexico.”
Peter A. Nisbet (b. 1948- ), Colossus, 2007, 48 x 36 in. Courtesy of P. A. Nisbet Nisbet’s painting is on the cover of the newly released book, Art Journey America Landscapes: 89 Painters
Reader Comments (1)
Gorgeous. Thank you for sharing the work and the book recommend. This looks like Texas to me.