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The Top 20 Country Love Songs of All Time - Number 3

Wilie Nelson - Always On My Mind

Photo courtesy of Bob Jagendorf

Maybe it’s the wild life he’s lived, but there is a tone in Willie Nelson’s voice that makes him sound like a thousand year old soul who’s seen everything in the world and has the wisdom to show for it. His isn’t the strongest voice we’ve ever heard, and when he hits the higher notes his timbre gets too thin, but Nelson is one-of-a-kind in the way he interprets a song.

Always On My Mind was originally recorded by Brenda Lee, and subsequently recorded by an unlikely diversity of performers, including Elvis Presley, B.B. King and the Pet Shop Boys. The most successful version, by far, was Nelson's. When he recorded the song in 1982, it hit number one in Country Singles and number 2 on Adult Contemporary Tracks, making it one of the rare crossovers. Nelson's version was voted Single of the Year by the Country Music Association in 1982.

Here's Brenda Lee's version:

Visit Nelson's website here. Purchase Always On My Mind at iTunes and Amazon MP3.

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