Riders on the Storm - Halloween Hits

By Bennett Owen
Credit: yvonnedelavega
This classic by The Doors was inspired by Ghost Riders in the Sky and you can hear the similarities through all seven minutes, right down to the raindrops falling from Ray Manzarek’s synthesizer. This is a ghostly tale chock full of disturbing imagery…”there’s a killer on the road…” every boy who came of age in the 70s knows the line that comes next…an allusion to a hitchhiker that murdered an entire family.
Urban legend has it that the song was conceived in part by Jim Morrison’s childhood memory of a car accident in New Mexico in which several Navajo Indians were killed…True or not, Oliver Stone highlighted that fable in his movie about Morrison. Riders on the Storm was the last song recorded by The Doors and entered the top 100 on the day Morrison died, July 3rd, 1971. Here it is in its entirety and the accompanying video is not for the faint of heart:
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