Cowboys & Aliens – 100 Yards Over the Rim

By Bennett Owen
Hot Damn! Cowboys & Aliens is just one month away! The anticipation only grows as we inch towards opening night. Watch this!
I’m a kid again, counting down to Christmas! I haven’t been this excited since I found the Lone Ranger PJs in my parents’ closet with the ‘For Bennett – From Santa’ tag on it.
Credit: Vintage Treasures
And C&A is a gift that keeps on giving, bringing back the mighty Harrison Ford, restoring him at age 68 to his superstar, mega-force, butt-kicking splendor. Now if you think the movie is set to be some camp, smirking, half-comedic western satire, you’d be oh-so wrong. Here’s how co-screenwriter Roberto Orci describes what we’re about to see:
“The world feels like the world in ‘3:10 to Yuma’ or even ‘Unforgiven’ but introduced into that are aliens who start attacking … the guys on the horses in the movie have no words for what they’re seeing.”
Credit: Movie Goods
Credit: Coming Soon
And Ford adds this assessment:
“…It’s a cowboy movie first and then stuff happens. Even after stuff happens…it’s still a cowboy movie. And that’s what’s incredible about it because nobody’s done that before, that’s new territory.”
Check out the full and fine Ford profile in the LA Times:
Credit: LA Times
‘3:10 to Yuma’…’Unforgiven’…Now those are some serious credentials. You know where to find me on July 29th. I’ll be the guy down on the front row, so close to the screen I can count the pixels. Don’t even think about asking me to share the popcorn.
Science Fiction and the Western, mixing the genres, what a novel idea! Seems like someone would have come up with that one years ago…something along the lines of ‘Jesse James Meets Frankenstein’s Daughter…’
Credit: imdb
It turns out the Sci Fi western is almost a genre unto itself and we will be exploring it in tomorrow’s post, including a full episode of ‘Twilight Zone’ that you will NOT want to miss.
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