Meek’s Cutoff – Turn Right up Ahead – No, your Other Right!

By Bennett Owen
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A “meditative western”…an “anti western”…”austere and unforgiving”…a “stripped down feminist western.” Something tells me this film isn’t going to be another True Grit, even with an 87% favorable rating at Rotten Tomatoes and critical raves on the film festival circuit. But it’s a western, further bolstering my claim that the genre is on the cusp of a renaissance.
Image courtesy of Sundance Institute
Meek’s Cutoff takes us back to the Oregon Trail, circa 1845, with three families following a mountain guide who knows a shortcut through the desert. It’s the setup for a burgeoning battle of the sexes:
One reviewer puts the story in the modern day context of a wife patiently suggesting that her hubby pull into a gas station and ask for directions. I guess I can commiserate with Meek the Mountain Man when he tells his exasperated party, “We’re not lost. We’re just finding our way.”
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