Cowboys & Aliens Countdown – Just 99 Days

By Bennett Owen
It’s here! The new trailer! Two minutes and 45 seconds worth of testosterone pumping, hormonal pounding, prime time, kick-butt, John Favreau-induced genius.
Watch this. When it’s finished hit replay. Thank me later:
Blog-world is abuzz on this one, with comic book connoisseurs enthused that the movie appears to do justice to the wildly popular graphic novel.
Consider this from Steven Zeitchik of the LA Times:
“It's still too soon to tell if the mash-up of westerns and science-fiction conventions will come off as interesting or incongruous. What does emerge from the trailer is that the movie doesn't skimp on the western atmosphere — something we suspect will play a lot better in a post-"True Grit" world.”
And the mighty Harrison Ford is back big time…thank you, John Favreau! The circle is complete.
Back in the 1970s I was a teenager laboring in the hay field, starting right after July 4th through the end of August. It got so tiring that some of the hay crew would go down to the meadows after supper and do rain dances in hopes of getting a day off. One time it worked* and my Uncle Jules took the family to town to see “this movie everyone’s been talking about.”
At the Big Sky Cinema, the lights went down…and the triumphant strains of Star Wars literally blew us back into our seats where we remained riveted for the next two hours. When it was over we all stared at the blank silver screen, not wanting the experience to be over. That’s the moment my star-struck Uncle Jules put into words what we were all thinking and uttered the immortal line, “go buy some more popcorn, we’re watching this again.”
Credit: Guy Sande
* Timing has a lot to do with the outcome of a rain dance – Western saying

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