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Entries in Road Signs (1)


Burma Shave – Renew Your Poetic License Here

by Bennett Owen

Shouldn’t we be calling it Myanmar Shave?  

Prepare here for the Burma Shave Quiz, to be held at a time of our choosing:

  • The first Burma Shave jingle went up in 1925 on highway 65 between Albert Lee, Minnesota and Minneapolis. It didn’t rhyme…wasn’t funny…and within four weeks the family-run business couldn’t keep up with orders.
  • By 1929, the signs were in 44 of 48 states.
  • Maintenance crews were called PhD’s (post hole diggers) and at the height of the ad craze cared for 40,000 signs.
  • A depression-era Burma Shave ditty contest attracted 50,000 poems
  • The most suggestive Burma Shave slogan ever:

Can let
You down
Quicker than
A strapless gown
Burma Shave

As you travel the Internet super highway, please slow down for our My-West slogans! Here’s our latest:

Mail your Dad
And tweet
Your mom
Then hurry to