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Entries in Ivy Three (1)



by Bennett Owen

Why is it that every time I see a picture of Old Faithful these days, an image crops up in my mind of a lit fuse sizzling down toward a very big time bomb? Yes, and good morning to YOU, too. 

On this day (March 01) in 1872, President Ulysses S. Grant signed legislation making Yellowstone the nation’s first National Park. Despite predictions to the contrary I can picture my progeny celebrating the millennium anniversary in 2872.  No matter, My-West will there for the ceremonies, attended by President James T. Kirk.

And just in case you’re thinking you’re ‘smarter than the average bear…’ five facts about Jellystone Park’s favorite son:

  • Yogi Bear first appeared as a segment on the Huckleberry Hound show in 1958
  • Yogi’s voice is an imitation of Art Carney’s character, Norton, from the Honeymooners. Yogi even wears his hat crumpled up like Norton.
  • Yogi Bear was named after legendary NY Yankees catcher Yogi Berra.
  • Yogi’s girlfriend was named Cindy.
  • “Yogi” by the ‘Ivy Three’ reached number eight on the billboard charts in 1960. Make that poison ivy:

And here, the first ever Yogi Bear segment….more laughs in seven minutes than in the entire 3D movie remake…"stragety, Boo-Boo…stragety!" 

Photo courtesy Christopher Owen