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Burma Shave – Tuesday Morning Engine Starter

by Bennett Owen

All rights reserved by cavemanz (Larry Zimmer)

Hurry while supplies last, we’ve only got 6990 Burma Shave ditties left!

In the meantime, here’s some more trusty trivia:

  • The family-owned company was broke when the first signs went up outside Minneapolis
  • The initial ‘advertising’ budget was $200

The first slogan:

Shave the modern way
Fine for the skin
Druggists have it
- Burma Shave

Photo courtesy of ilmungo

Guess what happened when Burma Shave posted this rhyme:

Free Offer! Free Offer!
Rip a fender
Off your car
Mail it in for
A half-pound jar
- Burma Shave

Exactly. The company was swamped with bumpers sent in from all over the US. And each one received a free jar of Burma Shave. The publicity was priceless.

And with that, here’s our My-West ditty of the week, soon to be seen on highways and by-ways everywhere: 

If you give
A pass
You might
Just be a

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